
The band arrangements for "To Our Canadian Troops" come in both the beginner grade 1.5-2.0 and Intermediate 2.5-3.0 levels. TO ORDER YOUR BAND ARRANGEMENT, PLEASE CONTACT DENNIS AT 250 870 1618 OR VIA EMAIL AT OCANADAPROUD@GMAIL.COM

Below are pictures of the Beginning Concert Band presentation folder, title page, the performance notes and an example of page one of the conductor's score.



Beginner Concert Band Title PageBeginner Performance NotesBeginning Concert Band Score Page One

Below are pictures of the Intermediate Concert Band presentation folder, title page, the performance notes and an example of page one of the conductor's score. src="http://toourcanadiantroops.ca/publicfiles/Presentation_Folder_INt1.jpg" alt="Presentation_Folder_INt1.jpg" />Intermediate Concert Band Title Page Intermediate Concert Band Performance Notes IIntermediate_SCore12.jpg
